Awesome & Meaningful Work Program

ALA partners with local business's and community leaders to create meaningful vocation and employment skill training opportunities. Our partners provide job skills training and a donation to support the program through our Isabella Noel Fund. Our participants get to learn important skills in a hands-on environment. These opportunities not only teach real skills but also confidence and self-esteem. Everyone wants to earn a sense of accomplishment by doing meaningful work. Together with our community partners we are creating the awesome and inclusive world we all deserve.
The current vocation/job training skills and opportunities that are available include but are not limited to; ​
Hosting fundraisers for local nonprofits, private events and business meetings at our winery where we serve attendees our exclusive products and help raise money for worthy causes.
Bottling, labeling, and packaging of our signature wine as well as custom candles. These products are typically used by other nonprofits to raise funds for their missions.
Create custom private label wine, candles, and gift baskets for local companies who use our products for marketing efforts.
Partner with local businesses to train, hire, and support our participants to have meaningful job opportunities within the community.
If you or your nonprofit, business, or organization is interested in learning more about this program and how you can get involved, please send an email to